Tiling manager
2015-02-08 13:16:35
At last I've done the impossible and tested a tiling manager, and truly I can say I still don't give a damn about them.
To say it clearly, when you're watching the news and they talk about the banks and the like, they always show a bunch of TFTs crammed with lots of windows and lots of data each. That's a tiling manager, just that, a way to arrange all the windows over your screen so you can supposedly view as much as data as possible.
I've tried it with Plumb, and it's not for me. I don't mean I don't like the concept or the software, althought it's true I didn't like the shitty installer. Is just that right now I don't have an use case for it. I feel it has to be cool for enviroments with lots of command lines, but I hardly have more than one Putty/Kitty/whatever running at the same time.